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returntothepit >> discuss >> Anyone else got a stomach bug? by the_reverend on Nov 24,2012 12:31pm
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toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 24,2012 12:31pm
I've been blue since Tuesday night.

toggletoggle post by Hairy French Canadian at Nov 24,2012 2:35pm
Wash your hands you filthy nincompoop.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 24,2012 2:37pm
Pissing out my ass.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 24,2012 5:30pm

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 24,2012 5:30pm
my asshole says "let it rain bitches"

toggletoggle post by boblovesmusic   at Nov 24,2012 5:42pm
you and blue switched bodies?

toggletoggle post by KEVORD  at Nov 24,2012 7:05pm
It's probably from cleaning your bacteria filled house.

toggletoggle post by farten_dust at Nov 25,2012 9:54am
no stomach bug, but a nasty fckn cold! started wednesday...and suddenly got 100 times worse late lastnight

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 25,2012 1:52pm
So happy now. A bunch of doses of pepto 30 minutes apart.

toggletoggle post by farten_dust at Nov 25,2012 4:06pm
im not happy...i got burnin bum-hole!

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Nov 27,2012 7:49am
motherfucker. this shit is awful. i started feeling funky on Saturday night, then all Hell broke loose on Sunday. i've been blasting yellow water for like 48 hours. though i did discover the magic of Pedialyte.

toggletoggle post by Pires at Nov 27,2012 8:37am
Yeti said[orig][quote]
though i did discover the magic of Pedialyte.

Works great for hangovers too. Drink it before you go out and, if you can, drink it when you get home /go to bed.

toggletoggle post by farten_dust at Nov 27,2012 9:04am
feel like im dying today, coughing so hard i think my lungs r coming up. choking on mucus aswell....GOODTIMES!!!

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Nov 27,2012 9:17am

I'm up to like 4-5 shits per day on a normal day.

toggletoggle post by Eurolymius at Nov 27,2012 3:01pm
I got that nasty stomach flu right before Halloween. It lasted five days. Now I have this fucked up sinus infection/cough. It's been like a week of this shit.

toggletoggle post by ctb0rderpatrol at Nov 27,2012 3:12pm
i started getting festival cough but i think the combination of paprika and garlic in a hungarian goulash burnt it out of my system

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 27,2012 3:51pm
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]

I'm up to like 4-5 shits per day on a normal day.

no duh, old colon. I was shitting er.. more like pissing every 5-10 minutes for a long time until a guardian angel had me follow the instructions on a pepto bottle.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Nov 27,2012 4:05pm
Yeah, liquid anal explosions are indeed no fun.

I just wish I could go back to like 2 shits a day. It makes it difficult on early hunting mornings when you're loading up the truck and keep having to run back inside to fill the bowl.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 28,2012 12:00am
I would say I'm 4 a day.
11am, 2pm, 5pm, 11pm.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 28,2012 1:10pm
I had a no wiper just now. So so so awesome.

toggletoggle post by Arrow NLI at Nov 28,2012 2:50pm
I had this. Shit fire water for 4 days straight. Sleep was NOT happenin. I wanted to cry towards the end, and was bleeding profusely from my poor sphincters week of retching.

Good part was I got to call in sick at three separate Thanksgiving dinners with family.

Bad part is I feel like I'm behind on everything now. Except reading. I read two manuals, every book, and every magazine in the house. And the internet. The whole thing.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Dec 5,2012 2:08pm
Had a root canal yesterday... Can't chew, made spaghetti sauce with huge peppers in them. I am currently shitting whole peppers

toggletoggle post by slar you morbid? at Dec 5,2012 3:53pm
just got over this shit, oh god, it was coming out both ends, pure hell.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Dec 5,2012 3:59pm
Should have gotten the flu shot.

toggletoggle post by slarmonella at Dec 5,2012 5:11pm
it was awful

no anal sex for a week they told me down at the clinic

toggletoggle post by Burnsy at Dec 5,2012 6:38pm
I definitely LOLed at slarmonella.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Dec 5,2012 9:13pm
slipping in the rough on a girl with no lube is just awesome.

toggletoggle post by rollercoasters at Dec 15,2012 9:47pm
slarmonella said[orig][quote]
it was awful

no anal sex for a week they told me down at the clinic


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